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CeraVe by Michael Cera?
2/12/2024 12:00:00 AM

Michael Cera's recent escapade at a New York pharmacy, where he was spotted signing bottles of CeraVe, has finally been demystified.
The actor's intriguing affiliation with the skincare brand was unveiled during the Super Bowl, where their collaborative ad stole the spotlight.


In the commercial, Cera amusingly dubbed CeraVe his personal cream, even giving it his signature twist: "Cera-ve."
The advertisement, a delightful blend of satire and drama, showcased Michael getting a massage while pondering CeraVe's magical moisturizing prowess on human skin.


With witty lines like "Let my cream hydrate you", the commercial was a mixture of entertainment while delivering its message. It concluded with Cera presenting his idea to the board. "I think it would be really nice if people think I made this," he said, followed by the brand's clarification that it's formulated by dermatologists, not by the actor himself.


This humorous yet informative advertisement has garnered recognition online. Many consider it the standout commercial of the Super Bowl and applaud the clever partnership between Cera and CeraVe.


Find the full ad here!

Reference: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/best-worst-super-bowl-commercials-130000704.html?guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAHJKhrrPVBbSWcZbxJTqmerLLcBtuHo33b2BGDXwyW7TCrFshzwZWqmX8gGxsz3vQMyOC16ZbnxwnwdZmh0UQsF-HQRpBeHBbaDmkgrAq08UPS0TuNKu9Mbj27og2rbvwQAZPhlXwGvm8sLZnNuTLK_WyX7sZkwi8q5BTgDpJz7-

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